Some days I just wonder, is today the day? Is it coming today...the big push to accuse, to demonize, to legitimize aggression? So far its been slow steady hints with an ever sharpening tone. I guess it would be nice to be number one in the world...It would be nice to be morally superior, to speak and demand with pure motive, thought and action. To have judgment so precise and righteous to make clear to rest of the world their wrongs. Isn't it great America? Isn't it fantastic to be the true keepers of truth and justice? No, maybe it comes to you as a burden?
I once understood that way. That was before stepped off American soil. I can't take everyone through the journey I've made in my life. I'm glad people have different experiences, it will always keep me in check. I just want to ask my friends, family, acquaintances, etc. please imagine for a moment that you weren't born into the life, religioun, nation you were...imagine you son or daughter born into another life in a land you have come to understand as your enemy. Think about what you could do to understand them as something other than enemy. I don't know why people are gifted with the lives they are in different places. But I do know that I feel an inherent responsibility to live my for my joy and the joy of others. I cannot do that when I do away with the others. I don't see a way for me to easily stop unnecessary wars..wars fought on the the thought of moral superiority. Democracy could be about hearing the voices of everyone, not just those with money. Christianity could be about loving, sacrificing and forgiving, not crushing the evildoers. We could be about hospitality, justice, and love, not convenienc, effeciency, and self-justification.
I'm very concerned about the situation in Iran...if you haven't happened to notice. I just wonder what it will take for America step towards actual diplomacy... not just a quick pitch and throw to missiles. I was taught to talk to people if I had a problem. Mouths are I find more and more in teaching. I like to eat with mine. But I can also ask questions and hear from people thoughts that I have never that I was never aware of. And more than informing others and shaping them, I am shaped by what I hear as a result. Im finding so much that most of my conflicts are solved in myself before I make a decision to go on the offensive. Not to say that I manage and diffuse beautifully all my personal conflicts. But I'm convinced Im not taking the wise path towards peace by breaking someones nose. That's just me.
I think you're right about the principle of democracy. We need to come to the point of having a democratic ethos for our politics instead of just trying to set up democratic forms of government.
Have you considered that if there had been no American intervention, you would not be in Korea today? That those beautiful children you teach would not be going on a field trip to the post office, but would probably be scavenging for food? That they would be freezing in winter and have little electricity to study by? That many would be ill because of lack of health care? That they would not be able to worship as they wish? And also, that the monk in your favorite picture would probably be dead? It would be interesting for you to talk with the grandparents of these beautiful children to see if they wish the pacifists of the Korean War era had prevailed.
It is my belief that we will never stop meeting enemies until we decide to. We will never live without fear until we decide not to be afraid. We will never find a reason to abandon our guns until we do. There will never be a reason to question unless we allow the first.
I will ask you to consider that things may not have turned out as you believe as you ask me to consider the same. But at present what military conflicts can we avoid? Are you saying there is no hope for Iran? They must be bombed? Is Iraq headed towards those bright days? I can only hope.
Who are evil people? Why are they evil? Were they born with a bad gene? Is it their religion? I think the assumption that there simply are bad people given to bad doctrines, with no consideration of cause is a dangerous oversimplification. When we choose to respond with violence we only repeat the cycle of terror. Terrorists are created by terror. A war on teror will only multiply the forces on the other side. Of course our violence is well intentioned…don’t you think the other side believes the same of themselves.
Who is the saber rattler? I would be more than glad to share with you a report I wrote, giving a bit of context in Iran today. Understand that this is a country that we befriended until a national leader decided their oil was theirs. Remember that we planned and supported the removal of this democratically elected leader. Remember that we gave Sadaam Hussein weapons to use against them. Remember that we glanced to the side as he used chemical weapons against them. I wonder how many American’s know the history of US Iranian relations outside of the hostage crisis?
And yet why is it permissible for some to hold weapons with no effect but genocide, while others must be prevented even by arms? I have no desire to see Iran contract a nuclear weapon. But don’t you think it would help to uphold universal standards on nuclear weapons?
It seems that somehow we have gotten away from the main topic, the reality of our freedoms, won with a price. If we had not intervened in WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict and any number of other "conflicts" there are many, many people on this earth who would have no freedoms at all, including possibly you.
And wow, your "who is evil" question is interesting. Where do we start the list? How about today's events - with Zaqawi, who personally beheaded two Americans and is responsible for blowing up a wedding party and a mosque. Is he just misunderstood? Did his mother spank him or did he wet the bed and is just acting out? Evil is a reality and if you don't believe that, I really feel sorry for you when you meet up with it personally. I would imagine if Zaqawi had attacked your school, your sentiments would be different. If not, where is your heart?
Apparently you'd rather cloud the picture with musings on Iran. Why don't they lay down their weapons? The US has not threatened to drop nuclear weapons on anyone - Iran is the country making the threats to bomb Israel.
I'm sure your paper is very interesting, however, you look quite young and I doubt realities of life have affected you. This is not an insult, please don't take it that way. Idealistic musings are a privilege of youth. Realities come with age and experience.
My challenge is still there - talk to the grandparents.
Let me say I am glad for your replies. Yes I am a young soul, so you don't have to take my words as any authority. Im just a voice just like any other out there. This blog isnt meant convert you to my beliefs. Im just offering them up. Action will be my judge.
But I would ask consideration, that there is another way. Just look to the examples of Dr. King, Gandhi, Archbishop Romero, the Danes during WWII. If you are looking for the effectiveness of nonviolence in contrast to war there are examples I can cite for you. War can be responsible for imposed peace, but never true peace and justice. Why should my freedom come at the cost of millions in Vietnam, Iraq, El Salvador, Palestine, Nicaragua...? I think I should choose their lives over my ability to have cheap goods and accumulate wealth for my retirement.
"Who is evil?" Not a question of who, but why. Why did Zarqawi kill Americans is just as a valid a question as why do Americans kill Iraqis...Or why do we aid particular terrorist groups in the Middle East, Latin America, etc? The answers that seem obvious to you are just as obvious to people on the other side. Does it make it right if someone kills your kill that man and make another boy fatherless? Heart is not taking a life for honor and revenge for a dead man...heart is thinking of lives that still have possibility in this world and not spreading the curse that befell you and your loved ones. Yes we can easily identify what is evil, but lets identify sources so that we prevent that evil from spreading.
Self-critique is very important here. Why doesn't America lay down its weapons? We are the only ones who have ever used nuclear weapons...who is to trust us? Just imagine you are looking from a different point of view.
I've been working on your challenge since I got here. Thanks for the encouragement.
It would be wonderful if we could live in a world where trust would allow one group to lay down their weapons and another would honor it, but unfortunately, I don't believe that will ever happen. If you know anything about the Christian faith, you know that there will be a time that will happen, but not in our timing.
I encourage you to always look at the other side, too. I reread your blog about the Palestinians (sp?). I personally know someone whose 17 year-old daughter went to Israel to work in a kibutz one summer. He got notification that the bus station she was leaving from to visit another city had been blown up by Palestinians.For 8 hours he did not know if she were dead or alive. All she wanted to do was work in a peaceful environment and help people. I get the impression that you are a Palestinian sympathizer, which is your right. I, however, see the faces of Israeli mothers who have lost their children blown up on a bus by a suicide bomber, of the pregnant woman who lost her life and the life of her innocent child. There is a difference between defense and agression.
Just a note, if the US had not used nuclear weapons on Japan, many, many thousands more would have died in war. Also, Japan attacked the US, so this was a defensive measure.
Keep up your search, but enjoy life in the process. We have been blessed to have the ability to do this, not all do.
(By the way, I know it is ZaRqawi not Zaqawi). No spell check is bad for an older person sometimes?
I grew up in the Christian faith and at an early age held similar views on war and Christianity that I hear you voicing.
I can't say exactly when or where I was persuaded, but a number of events, encounters and examples I saw in others led me to see my previous faith lacking. The teachings of Jesus can sound impossible and outright suicidal...But I was convinced that I should no longer sidestep "turn the other cheek" "love your enemies" or "do unto others..." through interpretive dancing. I don't claim to truly believe yet either. Well see each day if I really do. When a teacher gives you a lesson their hope, I believe, is not that you will preach it as truth to others that will eventually manifest itself all at once. Yes, things do not happen in our timing, but does that mean that we neglect the teachings all together in daily practice?
Palestine is a focal issue for me. I have great concern for the region from personal experiences there. If you don't know me, you won't know that I have friends there. I intend returning to work there after the year here. Are you familiar with the history of the region? I am glad you know Israeli's and have an understanding of their fears. In no way do discount them, I have also shared conversations with soldiers in the IDF and can appreciate their fear. But it doesn't sound like you know much of the Palestinian experience. I wonder if you know the death toll comparison since the first Intifada? In case you won't check for yourself...Since 2000- 3,012 Palestinians...1,113 Israeli's. I don't throw those numbers around to incite anything, just to put it in perspective. I believe each side was involved in both defense and aggression.
Does being a Christian for you entail doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, even when they assault you, ridicule you, etc.? If it doesn't what Jesus do you follow? Cause I think he said that. I'm not saying thats easy, but thats what he said. I think if Christians really did what Jesus said, they would turn some heads and have some positive effect in the world. There are some who are. I hope to be like them some day. I do believe people will do unto you as you do unto them, if you take the risk to forgive and not take revenge. What do you think?
I haven't answered your blog because life is happening and I want to give thoughtful answers to your questions and would like to back up these answers. Will get to it soon.
I don't have the belief that people will do to you as you do to them. It often doesn't work on a one-to-one basis, and certainly doesn't work on a country to country basis.
Will reply more thoroughly soon.
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