Saturday, March 11, 2006


I have decided to open a place where I will speak directly on political, religious, and philosophical issues that I understand to be critically important today in our societies, neighborhoods and relationships with each other and the world over. I hope not to speak in doctrinal terms in forming my opinions. My opinions are not necessarily true or my own, they are simply reflections of the place I am today. I understand that to be formed by my experience and therefore maleable. Yet at the same time, my views must be put into action. I understand action to be the only way to test your views and correct them so to be identified with truth after your earthly journey is complete. I don't believe we as human beings have the right to speak in absolutes, we are all to share with each other, realizing that we are one in a large family each dependent upon the other for our survival and wellbeing. None of our actions goes unfelt by the rest of our family.

That said you will notice my comments will often revert to the issue of international violence in many arenas. For what its worth, this is one outlet in which I hope to offer what my experience and encounter with each of you and countless others has formed in my understanding of action, being and response to life as it is. Please respond with comments, questions of clarification, etc. to allow this to be a conversation and not a place of comfortable venting for me.
Salaam, Shalom, and Peace my friends.


At 11:07 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

luke... i look forward to the dialogue and reflection this blog will bring. although it may make me look even more forward to the next time dialogue with you will be face to face, over a cup of tea.


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