Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How does it not hurt?
When we see women crying
When men lie dead in a field of blood stained grass
When a child is bandaged thoroughly
but will still die
Who are we?
When we laugh at violent actions
When we nonchallantly hold a gun
When war is glorified
I cried tonight
But I don't always
How could I not?
Mourning is life
Without this expression we cease to be human
There is great pain to be felt
Why should some feel it alone?
We are one people
Left-right, black-white, loose-tight, gay-straight, rich-poor
The day will come
This is beautiful

Im sorry but there is no way to put my thoughts into an essay or persuasive piece. I have found poetry over the past few years to be an excellent way of expressing ones self. Thus if you dislike poetry goodbye...but to the rest of you I offer my disconnected thoughts and reflections on experience. Perhaps I may be too sarcastic or blunt at times but poetry is a flow of thought, not a pretty compilation of concise well formed theories. This I feel is the most honest way to express myself


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