Are we really convinced? "The US is sparing no efforts to bring a durable and lasting end to this conflict." (State Department spokesman) Meanwhile new weapons shipments to Israel from the US have been sped up to keep Israeli stocks ready for continued fighting. Im sorry every time I try to get the latest quick information on CNN. I see the smiling faces of my president and secretary of state. Why do we as responsible, respectable people leave crises such as these in their hands? They say we must address the root of the problem--Hezbollah and Hamas, to achieve a lasting peace. No mention of what has been sparking these movements to action the past 20 years enters their minds. If you have no background...Hezbollah has been asking for Israel's withdraw from land that has been under continuous occupation since the first invasion of Lebanon. (Shebaa farms) They have also been asking for maps of mine fields that have remained in southern Lebanon since the first war. Lebanese shepherds, children and villagers have continued to be the casualties of these mines 20 years on. They have asked for release of prisoners arrested for actions during the first Israeli invasion. They have asked that Israel respect its airspace and not carry out sonic-booms over southern cities to strike terror in all who live there. They have asked that Israel refrain from bombing civilian areas in their artillery attacks. All of these requests have been left out to dry and I would challenge you to find any mention of more than one by the Bush Administration or the mainstream press. They are not, because the US government will not accept any claims against the state of Israel, however legitmate and appalling. It just simply could have no bearing in reality. So long as American's continue to accept their governments position, which is no more than the position of Israel, there will be no addressing the roots of this conflict.
I will now leave this blog to silence as I retreat to a monastery for the week. I will be praying that the roots of this conflict will be brought before the eyes of the world, that we might use the conscience God gave us to address it with respect to all peoples involved. Salaam and Shalom.
I find it interesting that you cannot look at this situation for what it simply is. How can Israel possibly do nothing as rockets are fired into its cities? If a group like Hezbollah existed in Canada or Mexico and were firing rockets at the United States would we(being the U.S.) not have the right to defend ourselves by eliminating them? I find that once we place the events in this light we see it as foolish not to address the attacks. This is the situation Israel finds itself in. Regardless of the past histories of these people, a sovereign nation has a right to defend its borders and protect its own citizens.
I also am amazed at how Israel is being condemned for murdering civilians from their attacks. Every one of Israel's targets has been for a strategic reason of destroying supply routes, infrastructure, command posts, and safehouses of Hezbollah. What is Hezbollah targeting? Hezbollah is simply firing their rockets into civilian areas in Israeli cities. One would think that in fighting a war, you would want to attack your opponents military forces. We see none of that here, but yet... Israel is the one killing the innocent. Give me a break
I think anyone who can look at this situation for what it simply is does not live in reality. There is no simplicity. You claim absolute morality and justice by supposing with no on the ground knowledge...that every one of Israel's targets are strategically focused on Hezbollah. If this is your unmovable position, how can I talk to you? Would you ever hear me? Would you ever hear the mothers of the dead children?
I know I have often attached myself to the "Palestinian cause" which is no cause if it remains inclusively focused. I recognize Israel's right to defend itself, but this is in no way a parallel to the hypothetical Canadian attack you propose. Do you give any credit to the history of Israeli expansion into formerly Palestinian and Lebanese land? Did hear any of the requests Hezbollah had made to Israel prior to the recent escalation...these have been on the table for years and years. I don't agree with Hezbollah's tactics but I sure don't think its a good idea to sit idly by as a military on the same par as the US re-annihlates a country that will only become more fundamentalist and extreme with the ongoing assaults.
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